Saturday, September 15, 2007


So. Here is my life in numbers.

68. There are 68 steps from the front door of the "SpenerHaus" - the building that the church office is in - to the door of the actual office. There is no elevator, so I am coming to love these maroon-carpeted blocks of cement.

41. Similarly, there are 41 steps up to my apartment. Unfortunately, there is no fun carpeting. There is, however, an elevator that stops in-between floors. So I can stop at "floor" 1+2, 2+3, 3+4, etc.

32+ ([TCelsius] x 9/5) - the conversion of degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit.

30 - 45. The number of minutes it takes for me to get to the church office. It all depends on how well I time the buses. I walk to the first stop, take the bus to the U-Bahn and ride that for awhile, take another bus, and then maybe walk some more. So depending on which bus comes when, and whether I decide to walk more rather than less...

20. Days on the job.

16. The average temperature (Celsius) that it's been here for the past 3 weeks. Apparently, this is abnormally cold for this time of year. See conversion rate above for those of you who are non-literate in the measurements of the rest of the world.

15. Minutes it does take to walk from the church office to the church building. This is my favorite walk - complete with 2 bridges, a children's playground, and a mainly Islamic market-place on Saturdays and Wednesdays.

13. The approximate number of rows I knitted together to form a hoop instead of a scarf. I have needles that are connected...I didn't turn them over when I finished a row and just kept going. The result was a fully connected circle. I thought this was odd, but that it was ok...the prayer shawl group laughed "with" me, of course...and got me straigtened out. Literally.

7. Hours of time difference between Berlin and Central Standard Time. I have two clocks in my living room. One is my time, the other is CST (see in the picture below).

4 +1. Number of rooms in my apartment. Plus a balcony. For now I will show you the Wohnzimmer, or the living room:

4. The number of coffee pots full of water that it takes for me to water all my newly acquired plants. (1. The number of times I have actually taken the time to fill up those four coffee pots of water.)

3. The "technical" floor that the church office is on. For people in the U.S., it's actually the 4th floor. But here, the ground floor is floor "zero".

2. Dryers! Many people I know are quite happy and content with just one washer and dryer. BUT, you have not truly lived until you own TWO. These technological wonders make all the difference in the world. Mine look exactly the same, however, and so I have included a picture of only one...

(I do, however, have a "real" washer. 2 hours for a "normal" cycle.)

1. Man who is stalking me. I believe I have taken care of this minor glitch in life, but we shall see. I am coming to find out that I somehow attract random, old, foreign men. Why, I do not know.

0.621371192. Number of miles that equal 1 kilometer. Again, this is for those of you who live in the only country in the world who has their own system of measurements. It shall remain nameless.

Schönes Wochenende.


doulos theou said...

You have a stunning looking place!

ubiquitous said...

Stunning indeed!